Case studies

SAGE Sustainability consulted with Living Farms, to develop the sustainability strategy and sustainability road map for the Green College being developed in Odisha. The institute has received funding from donor organizations aims to have a centre for training farmers in organic techniques and natural resource conservation. Roy and Fournier are ...

Team Sage Sustainability conducted research on plant invasive Lantana camara in MM Hills in partnership with Forestry team at Institute for Global Environmental strategies, Japan. IGES is one of the stakeholders contributing to research for Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) assessment. The result is completed within the ...

Our research led by Dr Priyadarshini explored the characteristics associated with managerial success and perception of men and women around it amongst Indian Management students. It is interesting to note that world over, the studies have shown time and again that both male and female managers perceived that traits associated ...

A well-known eco -friendly real estate company who has won multiple awards from multiple countries for their leadership and innovation in sustainability approached us for conducting a readiness for writing a GRI report (G4). We conducted a gap analysis for GRI and presented it to the company for improvement before ...